Vice Fund
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Vice Fund[1] (nasdaq:VICEX) er et investeringsfond som investerer i bedrifter som involverer seg signifikant i, eller får en stor del av overskuddet fra, industrier som tobakk, spill, forsvar/våpen, sprit og andre bedrifter som driver med aktiviteter som ikke betraktes som sosialt korrekt.[2]
Fondet har oppnådd mye omtale fra medier i den engelskspråklige verden.[3][4][5][6]
Andre vice funds eksisterer på andre børser.[7]
Referanser[rediger | rediger kilde]
- ↑ Syndens seier, Ole Asbjørn Ness, Jacob Trumphy, Finansavisen 10. september 2011, s.34–37
- ↑ VICE FUND Prospectus July 31, 2006 Arkivert 7. januar 2007 hos Wayback Machine.
- ↑ God vs. Satan Who's the better investor? in Slate (2005-07-29) "By contrast, the much-smaller Vice Fund actively embraces companies that profit from human fallibility. And it has profited handsomely from doing so, crowing that it ranks in the top 1 percent of funds in its category. Here's a chart of the Vice Fund against the S&P 500 since its inception in 2002."
- ↑ Does Vice Pay? in The Independent (2003-04-04) "“Vices are not crimes,” wrote 19th-century anarcho-capitalist philosopher Lysander Spooner. We still can legally invest in vice industries that have not been completely criminalized by the state. The Vice Fund (, created seven months ago, invests in alcohol, tobacco, gambling, and national defence. The presence of defence in the list of sins reminds us that what is a vice for some is a virtue for others."
- ↑ Vice beats virtue in the battle for high returns in Financial Times (2006-12-18) "The Vice Fund (VICEX) is really an alternative sector strategy that focuses on the alcohol, tobacco, gaming and defense industries, and we do so because we believe they offer true investment merit."
- ↑ Focus Money Online
- ↑ UK broker launches 'vice' fund on BBC (2003-08-26)
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