Mal:Tidslinje Norges utenriksministre

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Norske utenriksministere
  1. All measures all in pixels

ImageSize = width:160 height:1070 PlotArea = width: 26 height:950 left:50 bottom:110 # alignment is wrong when plotarea width (25) equals bar width (25)

                                                   # will be fixed in next EasyTimeline update  

AlignBars = early DateFormat = yyyy Period = from:1905 till:2024 TimeAxis = orientation:vertical ScaleMajor = unit:year increment:4 start:1905

  1. there is no automatic collision detection,
  2. so shift texts up or down manually to avoid overlap

Define $dx = 25 # shift text to right side of bar

Legend = columns:1 left:20 top:90 columnwidth:300

Colors =

id:AP value:red legend:Ap
id:H value:blue legend:H
id:KRF value:yellow legend:KrF
id:SP value:green legend:Sp
id:V value:orange legend:V


 bar:Leaders width:25 mark:(line,white) align:left fontsize:S
 from:1905 till:1908 shift:($dx,-2) color:V text:Løvland
 from:1908 till:1910 shift:($dx,-2) color:V text:Christophersen
 from:1910 till:1913 shift:($dx,-2) color:H text:Irgens
 from:1913 till:1920 shift:($dx,-2) color:V text:Ihlen
 from:1920 till:1921 shift:($dx,-2) color:H text:Michelet
 from:1921 till:1922 shift:($dx,-2) color:V text:Ræstad
 from:1922 till:1923 shift:($dx,-2) color:V text:Mowinckel  
 from:1923 till:1924 shift:($dx,-2) color:H text:Michelet
 from:1924 till:1926 shift:($dx,-2) color:V text:Mowinckel  
 from:1926 till:1928 shift:($dx,-2) color:H text:Lykke
 from:1928 till:1928 shift:($dx,-2) color:AP text:Bull
 from:1928 till:1931 shift:($dx,-2) color:V text:Mowinckel  
 from:1931 till:1932 shift:($dx,-4) color:SP text:Braadland
 from:1932 till:1933 shift:($dx,-4) color:SP text:Trædal
 from:1933 till:1933 shift:($dx,-2) color:SP text:Braadland
 from:1933 till:1935 shift:($dx,-2) color:V text:Mowinckel
 from:1935 till:1940 shift:($dx,-2)  color:AP text:Koth
 from:1940  till:1946 shift:($dx,-2)  color:AP text:T. H. Lie
 from:1946  till:1963 shift:($dx,-2)   color:AP text:Lange
 from:1963  till:1963 shift:($dx,-4)   color:KRF text:Wikborg
 from:1963  till:1965 shift:($dx,-3)   color:AP text:Lange 
 from:1965  till:1970 shift:($dx,-2)   color:H  text:Lyng
 from:1970  till:1971 shift:($dx,-3)   color:H  text:Stray
 from:1971  till:1972 shift:($dx,-3)   color:AP text:Cappelen
 from:1972  till:1973 shift:($dx,-3)   color:SP text:Vårvik
 from:1973  till:1981 shift:($dx,-2)   color:AP text:Frydenlund
 from:1981  till:1986 shift:($dx,-2)   color:H text:Stray
 from:1986  till:1987 shift:($dx,-3)   color:AP  text:Frydenlund
 from:1987  till:1989 shift:($dx,-3)   color:AP  text:Stoltenberg
 from:1989  till:1990 shift:($dx,-3)   color:KRF text:Bondevik
 from:1990  till:1993 shift:($dx,-3)   color:AP  text:Stoltenberg
 from:1993  till:1994 shift:($dx,-3)   color:AP  text:Holst
 from:1994  till:1997 shift:($dx,-3)   color:AP  text:Godal
 from:1997  till:2000 shift:($dx,-3)   color:KRF text:Vollebæk
 from:2000  till:2001 shift:($dx,-3)   color:AP  text:Jagland
 from:2001  till:2005 shift:($dx,-2)   color:H text:Petersen
 from:2005  till:2012 shift:($dx,-3)   color:AP  text:Støre
 from:2012  till:2013 shift:($dx,-9)   color:AP  text:Eide
 from:2013  till:2017 shift:($dx,-3)   color:H  text:Brende
 from:2017  till:2021 shift:($dx,-3)   color:H  text:Eriksen Søreide
 from:2021  till:2023 shift:($dx,-5)   color:AP  text:Huitfeldt
 from:2023  till:end shift:($dx,-3)   color:AP  text:Eide
