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Dokumentasjon for denne modulen kan opprettes på Modul:Outdent/dok
local p = {} local getArgs = require('Module:Arguments').getArgs function p.outdent (frame) local args = getArgs(frame) local width = 0 local reversed = args['reverse'] or args['indent'] or args['r'] or args['in'] -- aliases for reverse if not args[1] then args[1] = '' end -- un-nil args[1] width = width + select(2, string.gsub(args[1],':','')) -- increase by 1 for every : width = width + select(2, string.gsub(args[1],'*','')) -- increase by 1 for every * width = width + select(2, string.gsub(args[1],'#','')) * 2 -- increase by 2 for every # if width == 0 then width = tonumber(args[1]) end -- set width to args[1] if needed if not width then width = 10 end -- default width if width < 0 then width = -width reversed = not reversed end if width > 40 then width = 40 end -- max width width = width * 1.6 -- set width to proper width local top = '<span style="display:block;width:' .. width .. 'em;height:0.5em;' .. (width == 0 and '' or 'border-bottom:1px solid #a2a9b1;') .. 'border-' .. ((width == 0 or reversed) and 'left' or 'right') ..':1px solid #a2a9b1;"></span>' -- top half local bottom = '<span style="display:block;width:' .. width .. 'em;height:0.5em;border-' .. (reversed and 'right' or 'left') .. ':1px solid #a2a9b1;"></span>' -- bottom half local note = args[2] and '<span>([[Wikipedia:Indentation#Outdenting|outdent]]) </span>' or '' -- note return '<div class="outdent-template" style="position:relative;left:1px;">' .. top .. bottom .. note .. '</div>'; end return p