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Opprinnelig fil(SVG-fil, standardstørrelse 585 × 231 piksler, filstørrelse: 638 KB)

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English: The approximate itinerary of the last Southern Ming Dynasty emperor Zhou Youlang (the Yongli Emperor) from his coronation in Zhaoqing in the late 1646 to the extradition from Burma to the Qing Empire in the early 1662. The route is shown against the modern borders of PRC and its provinces, which, however, in this region aren't very different from the late-Ming borders
Русский: Маршрут последнего императора Династии Южная Мин Чжу Юлана (Юнли), с коронации в Чжаоцине (конец 1646) до выдачи из Бирмы в Цинскую империю (начало 1662)
Dato (UTC)
Kilde Eget verk, based on China_blank_map.svg

User:Vmenkov, based on the blank map from: *China_blank_map.svg: Joowwww

Place names and dates are from either of the two standard sources:

  • Struve, Lynn A. (1988), "Southern Ming", in Mote, Frederick W.; Twitchett, Denis, The Cambridge history of China: The Ming dynasty, 1368-1644, Part 1, Volume 7 of The Cambridge History of China, Cambridge University Press, pp. 641 sq., ISBN 0521243327
  • Wakeman, Frederic E. (1985), The great enterprise: the Manchu reconstruction of imperial order in seventeenth-century China, 1, University of California Press, ISBN 0520048040
(Gjenbruk av denne filen)
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This is a retouched picture, which means that it has been digitally altered from its original version. The original can be viewed here: China blank map.svg. Modifications made by Vmenkov.

Orginal opplastningslogg

This image is a derivative work of the following images:

  • File:China_blank_map.svg licensed with PD-self
    • 2008-08-13T16:11:11Z Joowwww 1000x850 (210404 Bytes) added missing laos/vietnam border
    • 2008-05-14T20:24:37Z Joowwww 1000x850 (208522 Bytes) Reverted to version as of 11:03, 14 May 2008, discussion underway
    • 2008-05-14T20:00:32Z Isageum 1000x850 (208466 Bytes) The colors on the disputed territories are not clear and confusing, so distinctive colors are added. * Beige - People's Public of China * Yellow - Disputed areas controlled by People's Public of China * Orange - Disputed are
    • 2008-05-14T11:03:20Z Joowwww 1000x850 (208522 Bytes) adjusted gansu/qinghai border, removed off-screen baggage
    • 2008-05-06T11:05:58Z Joowwww 1000x850 (217061 Bytes) changed colours
    • 2008-05-05T21:26:49Z Joowwww 1000x850 (216820 Bytes) {{Information |Description=A blank SVG map of China |Source=self-made |Date=2008-05-05 |Author= [[User:Joowwww|Joowwww]] |Permission={{PD-self}} |other_versions= }}

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nåværende30. apr. 2019 kl. 16:52Miniatyrbilde av versjonen fra 30. apr. 2019 kl. 16:52585 × 231 (638 KB)wikimediacommons>FurfurZealandia -> Zeelandia; removed Inkscape and sodipodi ballast

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