Fil:Stenåldersföremål 1, Nordisk familjebok.jpg

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Kilde Nordisk familjebok (1917), vol.26, Till art. Stenålder. I. [1]
Opphavsperson Nordisk familjebok
(Gjenbruk av denne filen)
Public domain
This image was first published in the 1st (1876–1899), 2nd (1904–1926) or 3rd (1923–1937) edition of Nordisk familjebok. The copyrights for that book have expired and this image is in the public domain, because images had no named authors and the book was published more than 70 years ago.
Public domain
This image (or other media file) is in the public domain because its copyright has expired and its author is anonymous.
This applies to the European Union and those countries with a copyright term of 70 years after the work was made available to the public and the author never disclosed their identity.
Important: Always mention where the image comes from, as far as possible, and make sure the author never claimed authorship.

Note: In Germany and possibly other countries, certain anonymous works published before July 1, 1995 are copyrighted until 70 years after the death of the author. See Übergangsrecht. Please use this template only if the author never claimed authorship or their authorship never became public in any other way. If the work is anonymous or pseudonymous (e.g., published only under a corporate or organization's name), use this template for images published more than 70 years ago. For a work made available to the public in the United Kingdom, please use Template:PD-UK-unknown instead.
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nåværende11. jul. 2006 kl. 02:06Miniatyrbilde av versjonen fra 11. jul. 2006 kl. 02:061 844 × 2 776 (613 KB)wikimediacommons>Lokal Profil{{sv|Stenåldersföremål 1. Skivyxa. Östergötland.<br> 2. Kärnyxa av flinta. Skåne.<br> 3. Harpun av ben. Södermanland.<br> 4. Bendolk från äldre nordisk stenålder. Södermanland.<br> 5. Spetsnackig flintyxa. Skåne.<br> 6. Trindyxa. Gottland.<br

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