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English: Dr. Isaac Asimov, head-and-shoulders portrait, facing slightly right. Published in 1965, this photo also appears on the jacket of the Doubleday first edition of Nine Tomorrows so date of creation can be no later than 1959.
før 1959
date QS:P,+1959-00-00T00:00:00Z/7,P1326,+1959-00-00T00:00:00Z/9
United States Library of Congress. New York World-Telegram and the Sun Newspaper Photograph Collection. Call number: NYWTS - BIOG--Asimov, Isaac, Dr. <item> [P&P]. Reproduction number: LC-USZ62-115121
Phillip Leonian [1] from New York World-Telegram & Sun.[2]
"Photographs taken by New York World-Telegram & Sun staff photographers are in the public domain and may be used without restriction." - [1]
"No information on creator or on reproduction rights found with the image, 1995." [2] "Images by unidentified creators and images from unidentified sources are problematic because of the lack of information. Patrons who wish to show that a reasonable effort was made to determine copyright status should perform a copyright search and retain a record of the search." [3]
Photographs in this collection other than those identified by such stamps as "World-Telegram photo" or "World-Telegram photo by Ed Palumbo" might not be in the public domain. Works within the collection may be attributed to other news services that retain copyright, works of the U.S. government that are in the public domain in the US, or works with no attribution for which copyright cannot be determined.
Legg til en kort forklaring på hva filen representerer
Isaac Asimov
آیزاک آسیموف
Retrato de Dr. Isaac Asimov posiblemente de 1959
Фотография Айзека Азимова, сделанная не позднее 1959 года
Фатаграфія Айзека Азімава, зробленая каля 1959 года
Dr. Isaac Asimov, 머리와 어깨의 초상화, 약간 오른쪽을 향하고 있습니다. 1965년에 발행된 이 사진은 Nine Tomorrows의 Doubleday 초판 재킷에도 나타나므로 제작 날짜는 1959년을 넘지 않아야 합니다.
אייזק אסימוב
Isaac Asimov
Isaac Asimov
اسحق عظيموف
Isaac Asimov, portrait tête et épaules, légèrement tourné vers la droite. Publiée en 1965, cette photo figure également sur la jaquette de la première édition Doubleday de Nine Tomorrows. La date de création ne peut donc être postérieure à 1959.