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Binding energy curve (average binding energy per nucleon in MeV against number of nucleons in nucleus) for a number of relatively common (abundant) isotopes (not chosen systematically; almost anything with an occurence of over .2 was chosen though a few exceptions are in there, such as U235). A few important ones for the purposes of nuclear fusion and nuclear fission are marked, as well as iron-56, which sits at the highest point on this graph and cannot yield energy from fission (though it can theoretically fuse with hydrogen, deuterium, helium or carbon). (The graph does not have nickel-62, which actually has a higher binding energy than iron-56.)
Data set was taken from here (archived from the original) and the exact set used to generate this graph has been posted to this talk page.
Created in Excel, exported to Adobe Illustrator, exported to Inkscape, and rendered into this graph, by User:Fastfission.
Public domainPublic domainfalsefalse
Dette verket har blitt frigitt til allmennheten av opphavspersonen Fastfission. Dette gjelder på verdensbasis.
I enkelte land kan dette være juridisk umulig. I så fall: Fastfission gir hvem som helst retten til å bruke dette verket for ethvert formål, uten noen vilkår, med mindre slike vilkår kreves ved lov.
If you want to credit someone, credit "Wikimedia Commons." Otherwise don't credit anyone, that's fine by me. --Fastfission 15:01, 14 April 2008 (UTC)
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