This work is in the public domain in its source country for the following reason:
Public domainPublic domainfalsefalse
This image is in the public domain in Denmark because the DanishConsolidated Act on Copyright of 2010 specifies (§91, 5) that all photographic images not considered to be "photographic works" that were created before 1 January 1970 are exempt from protection (details).
Note that "photographic works", which must display artistic merit or originality, enter the public domain 70 years after the death of the photographer and that photographs that are not considered works but created 1 January 1970 or later become public domain 50 years after they were created. See Licensing for details.
Some countries have a lower threshold of originality and may therefore apply a longer protection term for this image, so it may not be usable in such countries.
To uploader: For this to be applicable, creation year must be known (or known to be at least before 1970)
For å kunne lagres på Commons må verket både være offentlig eiendom i USA og i opphavslandet. Vernetiden kan i noen tilfeller være lengre enn 80 år i USA, så i tillegg til dette merket trengs det et eget merke som forklarer hvorfor verket er offentlig eiendom (public domain) i USA.
This work is in the public domain in the United States for the following reason:
Public domainPublic domainfalsefalse
This work is in the public domain in the United States because it meets three requirements:
it was first published outside the United States (and not published in the U.S. within 30 days),
it was first published before 1 March 1989 without copyright notice or before 1964 without copyright renewal or before the source country established copyright relations with the United States,
it was in the public domain in its home country on the URAA date (January 1, 1996 for most countries).
For background information, see the explanations on Non-U.S. copyrights. Note: This tag should not be used for sound recordings. Commons Public Domain Mark 1.0falsefalse
Warning: One or more elements in this file are protected by copyright
Some parts of this file (statue of The Little Mermaid) are not fully free but believed to be de minimis for this work. Derivatives of this file which focus more on the non-free element(s) may not qualify as de minimis and may be copyright violations. As a direct consequence, cropped versions of this file may require a review of their copyright status.
This information template was included because statue by Edvard Eriksen (1876-1959) is still copyrighted in Denmark. Remove this template from this file in 2030.
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