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"Washington, DC: Signing of an agreement between the U.S. and the Danish Minister in this country is a vital step in hemisphere defense. Despite Nazi-inspired threats from Denmark, the treaty will probably stand. Danish Minister Kauffmann explains the agreement." (2) World of Sports - "Washington, DC: President Roosevelt throws in the first ball as the Big League season gets underway. The N. Y. Yankees and the Washington Senators trade wallops, with the Yanks winning, 3-0." some baseball crowd sound, with several scenes of FDR at game, silent newsreel ending "Talk of the World" (some parts silent in this partial newsreel without narration)
This work has been released into the public domain by its copyright holder, Universal Pictures. This applies worldwide. I enkelte land kan dette være juridisk umulig. I så fall: Universal Pictures gir hvem som helst retten til å bruke dette verket for ethvert formål, uten noen vilkår, med mindre slike vilkår kreves ved lov.
Public domainPublic domainfalsefalse
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{{Information |Description="Washington, DC: Signing of an agreement between the U.S. and the Danish Minister in this country is a vital step in hemisphere defense. Despite Nazi-inspired threats from Denmark, the treaty will probably stand. Danish Minister