Amenhotep I
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== Litteratur == {{div col|3}} * Aldred, Cyril (1980): ''Egyptian Art''. Thames and Hudson Ltd., London. * Ashton, Sally; Spanel, Donald (2001): «Portraiture», Redford, Donald, red.: ''The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt'', bind 3, Oxford University Press, s. 55–59. * Beckerath, Jürgen von (1997): ''Chronologie des Pharaonischen Ägypten''. Verlag Philipp von Zabern. * Bleiberg, Edward (2001): «Amenhotep I», Redford, Donald, red.: ''The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt'', bind1, Oxford University Press, s. 71. * Borchardt, Ludwig (1920): ''Altägyptische Zeitmessung (Die Geschichte der Zeitmessung und der Uhren)'' I. Berlin and Leipzig. * Breasted, James Henry (1906): ''Ancient Records of Egypt'', bind II, University of Chicago Press, Chicago,. ISBN 90-04-12989-8. [ Ny utgave 2001], s. 17. * Bryan, Betsy M. (2000): «The 18th Dynasty Before the Amarna Period», Shaw, Ian, red.: ''The Oxford History of Ancient Egypt''. Oxford University Press, s. 218–271. * Clayton, Peter (2006): ''Chronicle of the Pharaohs''. Thames and Hudson Ltd. * Dodson, Aidan (1989/90): «Amenhotep I and Deir el-Bahri», ''Journal of the Ancient Chronology Forum'', '''3''', * Dodson, Aidan; Hilton, Dyan (2004): ''The Complete Royal Families of Ancient Egypt'', London: Thames & Hudson. * Freed, Rita E. (2001): «Art», Redford, Donald, red.: ''The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt'', bind 1, Oxford University Press, s. 127–136. * Grimal, Nicolas (1988): ''A History of Ancient Egypt''. Librairie Arthéme Fayard, ISBN 90-04-12989-8. * Helk, Wolfgang (1975): ''Historisch-biographische Texte der 2. Zwischenzeit und neue Texte der 18. Dynastie''. Wiesbaden. * Helk, Wolfgang; Otto, Eberhard; Drenkhahn, Rosmarie: ''Lexikon der Ägyptologie'' I. Wiesbaden. * James, T.G.H. (1965): «Egypt: From the Expulsion of the Hyksos to Amenophis I», Edwards, I.E.S. et al., red: ''The Cambridge Ancient History'', bind 2, del 1, Cambridge University Press. * Kruchten, Jean Marie (2001): «Oracles», Redford, Donald, red.: ''The Oxford Encyclopedia of Ancient Egypt'', bind 2, Oxford University Press, s. 609–612. * Lilyquist, Christine (1980): ''Egyptian Art, Notable Acquisitions'', The Metropolitan Museum of Art. * Nelson, Harold H. (Juli 1949): «Certain Reliefs at Karnak and Medinet Habu and the Ritual of Amenophis I», ''Journal of Near Eastern Studies'', '''8''' (3). * Nelson, Harold H. (Oktober 1949): «Certain Reliefs at Karnak and Medinet Habu and the Ritual of Amenophis I-(Concluded)», ''Journal of Near Eastern Studies'', '''8''' (4) * Redford, Donald (1966): «The Chronology of the Eighteenth Dynasty», ''Journal of Near Eastern Studies'', '''25'''. * Shaw, Ian (2003): ''Exploring Ancient Egypt''. Oxford University Press. * Shaw, Ian; Nicholson, Paul (1995): ''The Dictionary of Ancient Egypt''. The British Museum Press. * Steindorff, George; Seele, Keith (1942): ''When Egypt Ruled the East''. University of Chicago. * Wente, Edward F. (1975): ''Thutmose III's Accession and the Beginning of the New Kingdom''. Journal of Near Eastern Studies, University of Chicago Press. * West, Stephanie (Mai 1973): «Cultural Interchange over a Water-Clock», ''The Classical Quarterly, New Series'', '''23''' (1). {{div col end}}
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